Daniel - Senior Software Engineer

| minute read

With your international background, how is life in Switzerland?

A strong point about Switzerland is that everybody is treated equally. No matter what your background is or where you come from, we are respected. I value these international values just as much in my workplace. Through exchanges with foreign colleagues, we are constantly expanding our expertise and learning from each other.

You mostly speak English in private and during work, how is this in Switzerland?

I’m working with people from both the French and German-speaking regions of Switzerland, forming an international team where English serves as our shared language. Moreover, the work-related terminology is mostly in English, too.

In the meantime, I was able to improve my (Swiss) German skills, but I still struggle speaking. But since my team mates are so considerate and respect this, I never have problems communicating. 


Please tell me about your work, how is it?

Throughout my entire career I developed urban, interurban and railway traffic control systems. This is my big passion and reflects in my hobby, as well: Märklin trains. It`s very rewarding working on subjects I am enthusiastic about.

Ideas, no matter of whom, are listened and considered. Whoever has a good idea - we make it happen. We maintain a flat hierarchy within our organization, ensuring that everyone plays a significant role. Honesty is highly valued among employees, and we actively listen to your desires while providing support for your career growth.


