Our history

A performance-enhancing business project

A history dedicated to entrepreneurship

With a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a sense of collective engagement, we work every day to offer consulting and integration solutions to our customers. Our objective: to be the leading partner of major government agencies, financial and industrial operators and strategic companies in the main countries where we operate. Our ambition: to be relevant to our customer needs and have a positive business and social impact.

2014 - 2020: A new dimension focused on development and competitiveness

The Sopra Steria 2020 Project is launched to improve the Group’s performance in all areas and increase its added value. The acquisition of CIMPA in October 2015 makes it possible to intensify its presence in the PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) market. After the acquisition of the publisher Cassiopae, finalised in January 2017, three new companies join Sopra Steria in 2017: Kentor, 2MoRO and Galitt. 

In 2018, the Group acquires the German IT services company BLUECARAT to strengthen its positioning in Germany and to offer new growth opportunities to the local subsidiary, and Sword Apak to complete its Loans offer. In 2019, it makes two major breakthroughs in the core banking market with the acquisition of SAB and its partnership with Sparda-Bank in Germany, enabling it to build a digital platform for seven German banks. In late 2019, Sopra Steria also strengthened its business and consolidated its strategy by launching its new digital transformation consulting brand, Sopra Steria Next.

Today, the Group is one of the Top 5 European digital transformation players, providing a global response to the development and competitiveness challenges of large companies and organisations.

2014: Birth of a new European leader in digital transformation

With complementary business lines, strategic verticals, geographical presences and a similar corporate culture, the two players merge to create the Sopra Steria group.

2000 - 2014: Supporting digital transformation

The bursting of the dot-com bubble in 2001 accelerates market changes. Customers seek out global players capable of supporting them in the transformation of their businesses.

Steria responds to these challenges through major and structuring acquisitions such as the integration of the services activities of Bull in Europe in 2001, the acquisition of German Mummert Consulting in 2005 and Xansa, BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) expert, in 2007.

Sopra combines internal and external growth to consolidate its European expansion and its skills centres: consulting, system integration and solution publishing. Axway, a subsidiary created by the consolidation of the Group's software infrastructure divisions, is floated on the stock exchange in 2011.

1985 - 2000: Economic performance at the heart of the strategy

Given the maturity of the IT services market, Sopra rethinks its fundamentals and refocuses on the integration of systems and software publishing. The Sopra group is floated on the stock exchange in 1990. Steria focuses on streamlining and industrialising processes to reorganise its operating structure. Buoyed by two commercial successes, Steria is floated on the stock exchange in 1999.

1968 - 1985: IT services to support the modernisation of companies

Sopra and Steria are two separate entities operating in the emerging IT services industry. Their common goal: to meet the needs of key accounts with innovative products and services. Sopra invests in software development and expands its presence in the markets. At the same time, Steria wins several contracts in the public sector.